Carry out a gas tightness test after connect-
ing to the gas supply.
The gas bayonet connector must be fitted in
the shaded area indicated.
Take into account that it must be possible to
pull the appliance forward sufficiently.
Ensure the hose does not become trapped
when pushing the appliance into position.
LPG Flexible connections must be a type
suitable for
L.P.G and capable of operation up to 50
mbar and carry a red stripe, band or label.
Fitting the stability chain
It is recommended that if the appliance is to
be installed with a flexible supply pipe, a sta-
bility chain be fitted and is available from your
supplier (see Important Safety Require-
These instructions should be read in con-
junction with any leaflet packed with the sta-
bility chain.
1. Place the appliance in its intended posi-
tion and level appliance.
2. Mark a position 100mm from the top of
the rear right hand corner.
3. Measure down 150mm from this point.
This gives the position of the wall anchor
point for the stability chain.
4. The stability chain anchor point on the
appliance is shown in the diagram
Pressure testing
1. The Rapid injector is used as a pressure
test point.
2. Connect the pressure gauge to the Rapid
3. Check the supply pressure by turning the
Rapid burner on and one other hotplate
burner full on and light the appropriate
burner. The pressure should be either:- (i)
For Natural Gas 20mbar (ii) For LP. Gas.
The pressure must be set to 29 mbar for
use on butane or 37 mbar for use on pro-
4. Turn off the taps, disconnect the pres-
sure gauge.
5. Check operation of each hotplate burner.
Checking the hob
1. Lift the lid.
2. Fit the burner crowns and caps ensuring
that they are correctly seated.
3. Fit the pan supports.
4. To light the hob burners push in and hold
the control knob, turn to large flame sym-
bol (highest setting) and press the ignition
button immediately. Keep the control
knob depressed for up to 5 seconds, but
no longer than 10 seconds. After this time
release the controls. The flame should re-
main alight.
5. Turn off the hob and wait 1 minute. Turn
the hob control knob to large flame sym-
bol (highest setting).
6. Do not depress or attempt to ignite the
burner. No gas should flow.
Checking the lid shut-off device
1. Lift the lid
electrolux 23