Active Smart
special features (all models)
Fruit and vegetable bins and humidity control cover
The fruit and vegetable bins feature a unique cover which provides two functions:
The humidity cover seals the bins and provides a humid microclimate to extend storage times
of fruit and vegetables.
The humidity cover prevents condensation, which forms at high humidities, from dripping down
onto the fruit and vegetables. The ability to retain high humidity in the fruit and vegetable bins
may mean small amounts of water will pool in the bottom of the fruit and vegetable bins. This
can be wiped out as required.
Fruit and vegetable bins and humidity slide (where fitted)
Each fruit and vegetable bin has a humidity slide control that can be adjusted to a fruit or
vegetable setting depending on what is stored in the bins.
If possible try to store fruit and vegetables separately. This will help extend their storage life.
If there is a mixture of fruit and vegetables in the bin adjust the position of the control to
the centre.
If there is too much water in the bins the control can be adjusted towards the setting with
fewer drips (fruit setting).
Remember a small amount of water in the bins is beneficial for fruit and vegetable storage.
Salad Greens
Mixed fruit
& vegetables
Fruit with
Fig.15 Humidity Control graphic
Ice trays and lid (where fitted)
To empty the ice cubes into the lid, hold the tray and lid together and twist to dislodge.
Refill the ice tray with water, place lid containing ice cubes on top and store in the freezer.
Ice cubes are best stored in a closed container or plastic bag as they readily absorb odours and
tastes from other foods.