Users Manual
Microprocessor controlled universal earth resistance meter with fully auto-
mated measuring frequency selection process as well as automatic testing of
probe- and auxiliary earth electrode resistances and possible interference volt-
ages as per DIN IEC61557-5/EN61557-5.
• Measurement of interference voltage (U
• Measurement of interference frequency (F
• Measurement of probe resistance (R
• Measurement of auxiliary earth electrode resistance (R
• Measurement of earthing resistance 3pole, 4pole, (R
) with or without
using the external clip-on current transformer for selective measure-
ment of single earthing branches in mesh operated earthing systems
• Resistance measurement 2pole with AC voltage (R~)
• Resistance measurement with DC voltage 2pole, 4pole, (RF)
With its various possibilities of measurement and the fully automated measur-
ing sequence control (incl. automatic frequency control AFC), this instrument
offers the latest measuring technology in the field of earthing resistance meas-
urements. By means of the selectable limit input with visual and accoustical
confirmation/error message and with the code programmable and customer
defined special functions, e.g. measuring voltage 20 V (for agricultural sys-
tems), earthing impedance R* (measuring frequency 55 Hz) switched on or off
etc., these instruments are individually programmable for use as a simple meter
as well as a high end fully automated measuring device.
Additional Accessories
An external current transformer with a transformation ratio between 80 and
1200:1 for the measurement of a single branch in mesh operated earthing sys-
tems is available as an option and enables the user to measure on high voltage
pylons without seperating the overhead earth wires or earth strips at the bottom
of the pylons and also to measure lightning protection systems without seperat-
ing the individual lightning protection wires.