Self Cleaning Oven
I.l_ll[ Ovum
How to
delay the
start of
Yon can set the oven to delay the start of clemfing,
clean for a selected length of dine and tuna off
NOTE: Befiwebe_oning, make sure tile clock shows
the correct tin/e of day
Tunl tile Oven Mode knob to CI£AN.
Turn tile O_en Temperature knob to CI_EAN.
The o_en will be set to clean %r its normal clean
fin/e of 5 hours. (If a clean fin/e less than 5 hours
is needed, turn tile Mini-Knoll to the clean tinle
desired.) Push to enmr it.
You can change the clean time m any tin/e bemeen
3 and 5 hours, in 15 nlinum increments, depemling
on tile }ltnOtlIlt of soil ill V_)fir o\en,
NOTE: Tile Mini-Knob n/ust be pushed tor tile
self-clean cxcle to be set.
Push tile DHAY START button. Tile current time
of (tar *dll flash in the displa?.
0_ double ov_z modds; push the DELAY
START butto_z once to set the upper oven and
twice to set the lower ovem
Tunl tile l\,lini-_lob to select and push it to enter
the tllne of day _,Otl want the ()Xell to tnrll (111and
start cleaning.
NOTF: Tile Mini-Knob must be pushed for tile
sell:clean Qcle to be set to start at the tin/e of day
Tile oven is mm set to tm_n on at the tinle of (la} "_ou
set and clean tor the set anlount of clean time.
CONVECTffiN 500 ' _ ' 4,00
OvenModeknob Temperatureknob
If_our, oven is connected to a 208\ electrical suppl?, we
reconlnlend that _ou set _our clean tin/e for 5 hours.
If I,OCI,IED flashes in tile displa}, tile self-clean c}cle
has been selected but the door is not closed. Close the
O_,ell door,
To check tile start tinle, push tile DEI AY ST_M{T
button. To change it, turn and push tile Mini-Knoll.
The displ_9 will sh(m SZM{T TIME. "v\llen tile start
tin/e is reached, the oxen will turn on autolnaticallv
The display _dll sh(m C[,EAN and tile clean tin/e
_k4the oxen heats to the clean temperature, tile door
_dll lock amomaticallv. Tile I,OCKED light _villtoni on.
_le displa? *dll sh(m die clean tin/e remaining.
It will not be possible to open the o',en door until tile
temperature drops belo*v the lock tenlpemmre and fl-te
I,OCI{ED light goes ofll
3J_er tile clean cycle is complete and file o_en
has cooled, END will sl/o_ ill tile displa! and
file I,OCKED light will turn olil Turn file Mode
Selector and tile Temperature knobs to OFF.
To stop a dean cycle, turn tile Mode Selector and
tile Temperam*e knobs to OFF. \_]len the I,OC/<ED
light goes off, indicating tile oven has cooled belo_ tile
locking ten/penlture, you _dll be able to open tile dooi:
NOTE: On double o_(,elzmodd,_,you can sd a d&0 dean
bt botho'oo_,sat thesame &m,. 7)rot lhe (k_oz Mode k_tob
and lhe 7b@eratu_e knob q/ lhe second ove_zto ( ;IJL4,\_
7he se_>ndoven sel will aubm_ati('al6 d&0 &eslarl <)/
dea_b g' until gt_ee_zd(ftke /hst _r_,e_i_dean Oc&
lie? a
clean cycle
You may notice some wltite ash in the oven. _,'\qpeit tip
_qth a danlp cloth atier tile oxen cools.
If wNte spots remain, *_mo',e fllem with *_mn su(tsv
_:ttel" and rinse thoroughly with a vineg:u" and _ter
nlixture. These deposits are usuall} a salt residue that
cannot be remo\ed b_ the clean Qcle.
If the oven is not clean after one clean cycle, repeat
tile ©cle.
"_iimcannot set tile oven tor cookino until tile oven is
cool enough for tile door to unlock.