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Remote Alarm— The chiller can be wired to a remote alarm which will provide notification of certain
irregularities: Printer Error, Cycle End, Door Open, High or Low Temperatures or
Power Failure. If Cycle Running is chosen, the remote alarm circuit will close when
a chill cycle is running and all other remote alarm settings are overridden (reset to
NO). The supervisor can determine which events the remote alarm will announce
by adjusting the settings in the Sys Par (System Parameters) section.
Setup — Specific control settings that can be set by the supervisor which determine how the
chiller will operate.
Soft Chill — Type of chill process that moderates the temperatures and fan speed near the end
of the chill cycle to provide less risk of freezing at the product’s surface.
Supv — A Supervisor is a user who is allowed to identify the users and limit their access to
system parameters, enable products to be selected, set specific product chill
parameters, and change system parameters.
Sys Par — System Parameters are control settings that determine how the chiller will operate.
These settings can be adjusted by the supervisor in Setup mode.
Temps in °C — If so displayed on the Sys Par 1 screen, all temperatures will be recorded in °C
Temps in °F — If so displayed on the Sys Par 1 screen, all temperatures will be recorded in °F
Oper — An Operator is a user who is allowed to operate the chiller and make reports of chill
cycles performed.
Print — Allows a report of any Chill Cycle and probe to be printed. Chillers equipped with the
optional second printer can print the condensed ‘Label’ type of report. All Chillers
can print the ‘Record’ type of report.
Probe # — Each probe is numbered and its temperature vs. time is recorded for each probe #
during every chill cycle and the record can be printed, either at the end of the chill
cycle or subsequently.
Product List — A list of products in system memory which can have individual chill parameters
specifically set for each product (assuming that the product is already enabled).
Refer to Setup Products.
Record — Type of report that can be printed by all chillers. This report provides a record of time
vs. temperature for a specific Probe and Chill Cycle.
During communication with the SmartChill program
on a PC, the screen at left displays.