Sequencer P5
If Audio Events would overlap as a result of executing this command, the
lower portion of the overlap will be erased when you press the Execute but-
If you execute the Copy Measure command between songs whose Tempo
settings differ, the playback time will be different even if the number of mea-
sures is identical. This will cause problems such as the data failing to fit
within the specified measures, or a gap resulting.
5–3I: Move Measure
This command moves measures of playback data from the audio track specified
in the dialog box to the Start Measure of the audio track specified in the tab 3
Be aware that executing the Move Measure command will change the playback
data as follows.
• Playback data following the move source measures will slide toward the
beginning of the song by the number of measures that were moved.
• Playback data following the move destination measure will slide toward the
end of the song by the number of measures that were moved.
If Audio Events would overlap as a result of executing this command, the
lower portion of the overlap will be erased when you press the Execute but-
1 In the tab 3 page, specify the move destination track and the Start Measure.
2 When you choose Move Measure, the dia-
log box at right will appear.
3 Specify the move source audio track.
If you wish to move the playback data of all
tracks including the MIDI tracks, check the
All Tracks box.
4 Specify the Start Measure and End Measure
of the move source.
5 To execute the Move Measure command, press the OK button. To cancel
without executing, press the Cancel button.
Track 1
2 (4/4)1 (4/4) 5 (3/4)4 (3/4)3 (4/4)
Track 2
6 (3/4) 7 (4/4)
Example: If measures 5–7 of track 1 are copied to measure 3 of track 2, measures 3–5 of track 2 will be written.
2 (4/4)1 (4/4) 5 (3/4)4 (3/4)3 (4/4) 6 (3/4) 7 (4/4)