CAUTION self-cleanoperation.Tolock door,movethe leverto the
right. This is the lockedposition for the clean cycle.
• WARNING:NEVER placeexcessiveweight on or
standon an open ovendoor.This could cause the Do not movethe lockleverto the rightor locked position
rangeto tip over, breakthe door,or injurethe user. when baking. Ifthe door isaccidentlylocked:
• NEVERplace fingers betweenhinge andfront oven • The cookingoperationwill be canceled.
frame. Hingearms are spring mounted.If • If oventemperature is above 400°F,the door will not
accidentlyhit,the hinge will slam shut against oven unlockuntil the ovenhas cooled.
frame and couldinjure your fingers.
• Allow oven to coolthen unlockand open door. (Placea
fan in front of ovento speed cooling.)
Whenbaking, be sure ovendoor is completelyclosed.
Bakingresultswill be affected if door isnot closed.
NOTE:When rangeis new,the oven door mayfeel OVEN WINDOW
"spongy"when you closethe door.This is normalandwill
becomeless "spongy"with use. To protect the oven door window:
1. Do not use abrasivecleaningagents suchas steelwool
To remove liff-off oven door: scouringpads or powderedcleansersasthey may
1. When cool,openoven door tothe broil stop position scratchthe glass.
(openedabout 4-inches). 2. Do not hit the glasswith pots, pans,furniture, toys, or
2. Grasp door at eachside. otherobjects.
3. Lift up evenly until door clears hinge arms. Do not use 3. Do notclose the oven door untilthe oven racks arein
door handleto lift door. place.
Scratching,hitting, jarring or stressingthe glassmay
weakenits structure causing an increased risk of
breakageat a laterdate.
IA c.u.,o,t
| When ovenis in use, the area near the oven vent
openingmayfeel warm or hotto the touch.
On coil element cooktops,the oven
To replace oven door: vent is locatedat the RIGHT REAR
1. Grasp door at eachside. element.
2. Alignslots in door with hinge arms on range. • Be sure drip bowlfor the rightrear
3. Slidedoor down ontohinge arms untildoor is element has a hole inthe centerto OVENVENT
completelyseatedon hinges.Then push down on top allow properoven venting. OPENING
corners of door to completelyseat door on hinges. • Do not cover this drip bowl with aluminumfoil as this
will block proper ovenventingand may affect baking
Door is not completelyseated if one side is higheror if results.
door appearsto be crooked.
On a smoothtop, the vent is locatedat the center of the
Do not attemptto open or closedoor or operate ovenuntil backguard.
door is properly replaced.