Maytag 8111P375-60 Range User Manual

_i, / The pan materialdetermineshowevenly andquickly heat
l CAUTION is transferredfrom the heatingelementto the panbottom.
Neverallow a panto boildry as this maydamagethe Aluminum
pan,cooktopand/or heating element. Heats evenly.Avoidthin gaugealuminum.Acidic foods or
salt will cause it to discoloror pit. Anodizing improves
Toachieveoptimumsurfacecooking performance,select stain resistanceand pitting.Often usedas a bottom
heavy gauge,flat, smooth bottompansthatfit the size of coating to improvethe heating of other materials.
the surface unit.
Sliding aluminum pansacrosssmoothtopmay leave metal
Properpanswill reducecookingtimes, use less energy marks. Removethese marks fmmediatelyto prevent
and cook food more evenly.Usethese tests to determine
if pan bottomisflat. permanentmarks (seepage 22).
RulerTest: Heats evenly;discolorseasily.Often usedas a bottom
1. Placea ruler acrossthe bottom of the pan. coatingto improvethe heatconductionof other materials.
2. Hold it up to the light. Little light should be visible under May leave metal marks on the smoothtop (see aluminum
the ruler, above).
BubbleTest: If coppercleaner is notcompletelyremovedfrom pan,the
cleaningresidue may permanentlydamage or discolor the
1. Put an inchof water intothe pan,place on cooktop and smoothtopthe nexttime the panis used.
turn controlto HIGH.
Stainless Steel
2. Watch the bubbleformationas the water heats. Heats unevenlyunlesslined with copper or has an
Uniformbubbles= good performance, aluminum bottomor inner core. Durable,easy to clean
Unevenbubbles = hot spots and unevencooking, and stain resistant.
Good Pans: Cast Iron
Flat bottom,straight sides,and __.t=-_ .,_p Heats slowly and evenly;retains heat; slow to cool. Needs
tight fitting covers. _ seasoningto preventsticking and rusting.Mayaffect color
Madeof a heavy gauge andtaste of some foods.
materialthat conductsheatwell. Porcelain Enamel
Weight of handledoes nottilt pan. Glass-likesubstancefused to metal. Heating
Pansize matchesthe size of the surfaceunit. Pan characteristicsdepend on basematerial (usuallysteel or
should not extendmorethan 1-inchbeyondthe cast iron).
surface unit. Glass-Ceramic
PoorPans: A A Heatsslowly and unevenly.Mayscratch the smoothtop if
Grooved or warped pan ,_ ,_',_1_ ._ slid across cooktop.Some types may only be usedin the
bottoms. _ oven.
Pan that is smallerthan
Thin gauge metal pans. This appliancehas beentested for safe performance
Unstablepansuch as a small saucepan with a heavy using conventionalcookware.Do not use any devices or
or loose handle, accessoriesthat are not specificarlyrecommendedinthis
Oversizedpansor pans manual.Do not use eyelid coversfor the surface units,
that restacrosstwo coil elements.These will cause stovetop grills, or add-on oven convectionsystems
discolorationor damageto the drip bowls, damageto The use of devices or accessoriesthat are not expressly
the porcelaincooktop,and may lengthenthe cooking recommendedin this manual can createserious safety
time on the smoothtopcooktop, hazards,resultin performanceproblems,and reducethe
Woks with round metal rings. The ringtraps heatand life of the componentsof the appliance.
maydamage coil element, porcelaincooktop,and