Before cooking o.. Othertips..,
• Always place a panon the surfaceunit beforeyou • Toeliminatethe hazardof reaching over hot surface
turn it on. To preventdamage to range, never elementsdo not installcabinet storage directly
operatesurface unitwithout a pan in place, above a unit.
• NEVER usethe cooktopas a storagearea for food
or cookware. • If storage is provided,limit it te itemsthat are
infrequentlyusedand can be safely stored in an
During cooking.., area subjectedto heat.
• Be sure you knowwhich knobcontrolswhich surface
unit. Make sure you turned on the correct surface • Temperaturesmay be unsafefor itemssuch as
unit. volatile liquids,cleanersor aerosolsprays.
• Begincookingon a higherheat settingthenreduce
to a lower settingto completethe operation.Never • Aerosol-typespraycans are EXPLOSIVEor highly
use a highheat settingfor extendedcooking, flammable when exposedto heat. Avoidtheir use or
storage near an appliance.
• NEVERallow a panto boil dry.This coulddamage
the panand the appliance. • NEVERleave any items,especially plasticitems,
• NEVERtouch cooktop until it has cooled. Expect unattendedon the cooktop.The hotair frem the vent
some parts of the cooktop, especiallyaroundthe may ignite flammableitems, melt or soften plastics,
surfaceunits,to becomewarmor hot during or increasepressurein closed containerscausing
cooking.Use potholdersto protect hands, them to burst.
After cooking... • NEVERallow aluminumfoil, meat probesor any
• Be sure surface elementis off after cooking, other metal object, otherthan a utensilon a surface
• Clean up greasy spills assoon as possible, element, to contact heatingelements.
1. Place panon surfaceunit. A SURFACEindicatorlight, located on the backguard,will
OFF turn on whenevera surface unit is turned on. Lightwill
2. Pushin andturn knobto desired LOW/_"_IGH turn off when surface unit is turned off.
setting. 1__ 7
• Eachknob is identified by
internationalsymbols located _ow°"._. _ °" .o.
beloweach knob. ,__ _' ' ' '
• Knob can be turned ineither s _' °'%-[rb7" '%'L_ '
direction. / oe oo !
• Knob can be set on any number O0 SYMBOLS INDICATOR......
or betweenany numbers. ,,G.T,EA, LIGHT
3. After cooking,turn knobto OFF then
remove pan.