Maytag 8111P375-60 Range User Manual

Ifa higher setting is usedto begin a surfacecooking Acceptablewater bathor pressurecannersshould not be
operationor to bring waterto a boil, always reduce to a oversizedand should haveflat bottoms.
lowersetting once cooking begins or water comes to a
boil. When cannersdo not meet
Forsmoothtopcooking, it isbetterto select a lower thesestandards,cookingtimes
settingand increaseto a higherone later,if needed, may be longerand the cooktop
may be damaged.
Foodwillnot cook faster at a settingthat is higherthan
neededto maintaina gentle boil.The temperatureof On a smoothtopcooktop,the
the water is the same whether boilingvigorouslyor canner bottomshouldnot
gently. _ extend morethan one-inch
Factorsaffectingthe heat setting include: _ _" ._,,'--=,,, _ beyondthe cooking area and
Type,flatness andsize of the cookware, musthavea flat bottom.
Quantityandtype of food beingcooked. When canning, usethe HIGHsettingjust until the water
Useof a lid (coveringpansspeeds cooking andsaves comesto a boil or pressure is reached in the canner,
energy), then reducetothe lowestheatsettingthat maintainsthe
Elementvoltage or voltage supply to your home. boil or pressure. If the heatsettingis not turneddown,
damage tothe cooktopmay occur. _._ _-._ _,
SUGGESTED HEAT SETTING GUIDE A special canning element /_'I___,_
When turningknobto HIGH,there is an indentto identify (modelCE1) is availablefrom _',,_ ,
the HIGHsetting, your dealerfor coil element ;' ''_
cooktops. It elevates the canner
HIGH OR 9: Useto bring liquid to a OfF above the cooktop to reduce
boil, blanch,preheat skillet,or reach _w_. _._I_HIGH trapped heat. This prevents CANNERELEMENT
pressure in a pressurecooker. I _'" damage tothe porcelainsurface (MODELCE1)
Always reduceto a lower heat 3"_ _ and drip bowls.
settingwhen liquid just beginsto boil
or food beginsto cook. Checkwith your local ExtensionServiceor a
manufacturerof glass canningjars for the latest canning
MEDIUM-HIGH(7, 8): Useto brown information.
or searmeat; heat oil for deepfat
frying; scald; to sauteor fry. Maintainfast boilfor large
amounts of liquid.
MEDIUM(4, 5, 6): Use to maintainmoderateto slow boil
for largeamountsof liquid.Tocontinue cooking
uncoveredfoodand for most frying operations.
MEDIUM-LOW(2,3): Useto continuecookingcovered
food andto maintainpressurein most pressurecookers.
Stew,braise or steam operations.Tomaintainboil for
small amountsof liquid, poach,steam or simmer.
LOW OR 1: Use to keepfoodwarm before serving. Melt
chocolateor butter.