Maytag 8111P375-60 Range User Manual

WARNING: NEVERuseappliance l_,,,_J_,,,,__..... NEVERleave surfaceunits .,,S':'_"_'_""_,=%,,
door,or drawer, ifequipped,as a _, ._ unattendedespeciallywhenusing .#%,,. _ti{.
step stool or seat as this may result _,,,i=...__'''_ '_ high heat settings. An unattended ,,_]:'!#'_'o,,,t -_,
inpossibletipping of the appliance, I boilovercould cause smokingand a {_i!
seriousdamageinjuries.t°the appliance,and "__' greasy spillovercan cause afire. #
Ifapplianceis installednear awindow, proper This applianceis equippedwith differentsize surface
precautionsshould be takento preventcurtainsfrom elements. Select pans having flat bottomslargeenough tc
blowingover surfaceelements, cover element.Proper relationshipof panto elementwill
NEVERuse applianceto warmor
heatthe room.Failuretofollow this :%,.
instructioncan leadto possible If pan is smaller than element, a ":_
burns,injury,fire, or damageto the portionofthe elementwill be Ii
appliance, exposedto directcontact and
4_#....................%,. could igniteclothingor potholder.
NEVERwear loose-fittingor ,_ j '.,,
hanginggarmentswhile usingthe _.._:._u'__a_
appliance,Clothingcouldcatch _i_
:_ ),j _llJli_ Only use certaintypes ofglass, glass/ceramic,ceramic,
utensilhandlesor igniteand cause _i_,._,,_,,._lJ{_":_! earthenware,or other glazed utensils suitablefor cookto_
burns if garmentcomesincontact _ or ovenservice that will not breakdue to the sudden
with hot heatingelements. "_'_ change in temperature.Follow utensil manufacturer's
instructionswhen usingglass.
Toensureproper operationand to avoiddamageto the
applianceor possible injury,do not adjust,service, repair Turnpan handletoward center of ..,_,,_,,_
or replaceany part of the applianceunlessspecifically cooktop,notout intothe roomor _ %_
recommendedinthis manual. Referallother servicingto a over another surfaceelement.This _,?__1_.... !_
qualifiedtechnician, reducesthe risk of burns,ignitionof !1___i
flammablematerials, or spillage if _,,.__,/. "_.
NEVERstore or use gasoline or other combustibleor pan is accidently bumpedor __F
flammable materialsin the oven, nearsurface units or in reached by smallchildren. '_l,,_J_
the vicinity of this applianceas fumes couldcreate a fire
hazardor an explosion. Topreventdamageto removableheatingelements, do
immerse,soak or clean in a dishwasheror self-clean
Topreventgreasefires, do not let cooking greaseor other oven.A damagedelement couldshort resultingin a fire
flammablematerialsaccumulatein or nearthe appliance, shock hazard.
Make suredrip bowlsare in place as absenceofthese
Use onlydry potholders.Moistor _,j_!%
damp potholderson hot surfaces _,. ,_ _ bowls during cookingcould damagewiring or parts.
may result in a steam burn. Do not ._ "_
let potholdertouch hot heating .# '%,/'_ -_
elements. Do not use a towelor __" _""_ '_ SMOOTHTOP
other bulky cloth which could ___ NEVERcook on brokencooktop.Contact a qualified
easilytouch hot heatingelements technician immediately.If cooktopshouldbreak, cleani
and ignite, solutionsand spilloversmay penetratethe broken coo
Alwaysturn off all controls whencookingis completed, and createa riskof electricshock.
NEVERheat unopenedcontainerson the surfaceunit or Clean cooktopwith caution. Some cleanerscan produ
inthe oven.Pressurebuild-upin the container maycause noxiousfumes if appliedto a hotsurface. Ifa wetspot
containerto burst resultingin burns,injuryor damageto cloth,or paper towel is usedto wipespills on a hot
the appliance, cookingarea, be carefulto avoidsteam burn.
NEVERuse aluminumfoil to line drip bowls,or to cover
an oven rackor ovenbottom.Misusecouldresultin risk of
electricshock,fire, or damageto the appliance.Usefoil
only as directedin this manual.