Maytag 8111P375-60 Range User Manual

Cakes are uneven. Panstoo close or touchingeach otheror ovenwalls. Batter unevenin pans.
Temperaturesettoo low or bakingtime too short. Oven not level. Undermixing.
Too muchliquid.
Cake high in middle. Temperaturesettoo high. Bakingtime too long. Overmixing.Too much flour.
Panstouchingeach other or oven walls. • Incorrectrack position.
Cake falls. Too muchshorteningor sugar. Too muchor too littleliquid. Temperaturesettoo
low. Oldor too little bakingpowder.* Pantoo small. Oven door openedfrequently.
• Added incorrecttype of oil to cake mix, • Added additionalingredientsto cake mix or
Cakes, cookies, biscuits Incorrectrack position.• Ovendoor not closed properly. Doorgasketnot sealing
don't brown evenly, properlyor properlyattachedto door. Incorrectuse ofaluminumfoil. Oven not
preheated. Pansdarkened,dentedorwarped.
For optimum results, bakeonone rack.If bakingcakes on two racks, placepans toward
the front of the ovenon the upper rack and towardthe back of the ovenon the lower
Cakes, cookies, biscuits Oven not preheated. Panstouching eachother or oven walls. Incorrectrack
too brown on bottom, position. Incorrectuse of aluminumfoil. Placed 2cookie sheets on one rack. Used
glass, dark, stainedwarped or dull finishmetalpans. (Use a shinycookie sheet.)
Followcookware manufacturer'sinstructionsfor oventemperature.Glasswareand dark
cookwaresuchas Ecko's Baker's Secretmay require loweringthe oventemperatureby
Cakes don't brown on Incorrectrack position.• Temperatureset too low. • Overmixing.• Toomuchliquid.
top. Pansizetoolargeortoolittlebatterin pan. Oven dooropenedtoooften.
Excessive shrinkage. Toolittle leavening.• Overmixing. Pantoo large. Temperatureset too high.
Bakingtimetoo long. Panstoocloseto eachotherorovenwalls.
Uneven texture. Toomuchliquid. Undermixing. Temperaturesettoolow. • Bakingtimetoo short.
Cakes have tunnels. Not enoughshodening. • Toomuch baking powder.• Overmixingor at too high a
speed. • Temperatureset too high.
Cake not done in • Temperatureset toohigh. • Pantoo small. • Bakingtime tooshod.
Ifadditionalingredientswereaddedtomixorrecipe,expectcookingtimeto increase.
Pie crust edges too Temperatureset too high. Panstouchingeachother or oven walls. Edges of crust
brown, too thin; shield with foil.
Pies don't brown on Usedshiny metalpans. Temperatureset too low.• Incorrectrack position.
bottom. Somefrozenpiesshouldbe placedona cookiesheet,checkpackagedirections.
I Pies have soaked crust. Temperaturetoolowatstartof baking. Fillingtoojuicy. Usedshinymetalpans.