Mitel 6150 MCC Kitchen Grill User Manual

When you select a 6150 MCC e-mail, the e-mail window appears. (See Figure 38.)
You have five options when responding to the e-mail:
 6HW$FFRXQW&RGHV
 +ROGWKHHPDLO
 1R5HSO\1HHGHG
 6HQGWKHHPDLO
You can add an account code to indicate if the customer was happy with the service. You can hold
the e-mail while waiting for further information before you respond to the customers request, or
you can transfer the e-mail to another agent or queue who has the required information. You can
reply to the e-mail and send it, or you can tag it with No Reply Needed.
Figure 38 E-mail window