Programming the espresso
pour volume
The Sunbeam Intuitive Digital is set to
standard coffee pour volumes. These volumes
can be individually adjusted to your taste and
stored for each cup size.
Changing and saving the coffee pour volume
and the coffee strength/quantity
Here it is possible to change and save the
coffee pour volume for each of the three
cup sizes and for coffee bean mode also
the coffee strength/quantity. To program the
setting correctly, note the order:
1. First select the cup size (coffee pour
volume) for which you which to make the
2. Next select the coffee strength/quantity
(only for coffee bean mode).
3. Then determine how full the cup is to be
• First press the “espresso pour volume”
button until the desired cup symbol
is selected or the desired cup size is
indicated on the display for which you
want to set the espresso pour volume. The
display shows e.g. <<1 CUP LARGE>>.
See figure 31.
• Press the “coffee strength/quantity” button
(only with coffee bean mode) until the
desired coffee quantity symbol is selected
or the desired coffee quantity is indicated
on the display. The display shows e.g.
<<STRONG>>. See figure 32.
Note: The top line in the display indicates
the selected cup size. The bottom line in the
display indicates the selected coffee strength/
• Place a cup under the espresso pour
spouts. See figure 33.
• Press the “OK” button and keep it pressed
until the desired espresso pour volume is
reached. See figure 34.
Note: During the filling the display indicates
<<SETTING CUP SIZE>>, the bar indicator
in the bottom line moves up. The maximum
bar indication corresponds to the maximum
possible espresso pour volume of 250mls.
Figure 31
Figure 33
Figure 32