Managing AVMs and VNEs
Cisco Systems, Inc. Page 91
3. Right-click in the Tree pane to display the shortcut menu and select New
VNE, or from File menu select New VNE or in the toolbar, click New
VNE. The New VNE dialog box is displayed.
The New VNE dialog box contains the following tabs:
• General tab, page 92, enables the user to manage VNE information in the
connected Sheer DNA (Mandatory Name and IP fields).
• SNMP tab, page 94, enables the user to support polling and accessing
devices using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and SNMPv3.
• Telnet / SSH tab, page 96, enables the user to choose Telnet or SSH for
device access and configure the login sequence.
• ICMP tab, page 98, enable the user to verify that devices are reachable
by sending repetitive ICMP request packets, and testing reachability by
defining the polling rate.
• Polling tab, page 99, enables the user to associate a VNE in the Sheer
DNA with a polling group or define an instance.
Important Note: The OK button in the New VNE dialog box is enabled only
when the user has typed in the VNE name and IP address in the General tab
(Mandatory Fields).