Managing Sheer DNA Units
Cisco Systems, Inc. Page 75
4. You can change the assigned DNA Unit protection group, as required, by
selecting an option from the dropdown list.
The Enable Unit Protection checkbox defines whether a Sheer DNA
Unit is enabled (the checkbox is selected) for high availability. This
option is selected by default when high availability is enabled.
Note: If and when you change (disable/enable) the Enable Unit
Protection option (high availability), changes will only become effective
after a delay of about 15 minutes.
5. Click OK. The DNA Unit Properties dialog box is closed.
5.4 Removing a Sheer DNA Unit
The user can remove a Sheer DNA Unit.
Note: The user must first delete all of the VNEs and non-reserved AVMs
before deleting a Sheer DNA Unit. The reserved AVMs cannot be deleted.
For more information about reserved AVMs, refer to page 80.
Note: The Sheer DNA Gateway cannot be deleted.
Note: The Sheer DNA Unit cannot be deleted if it is the Sheer DNA Gateway
to which the user is connected.
To remove a Sheer DNA Unit
1. In the Sheer DNA Manage window Tree pane, select the DNA Servers
branch. The DNA Servers branch is displayed.
2. Expand the DNA Servers branch and select the Sheer DNA Unit you
want to remove in the Tree pane or Workspace.
3. Right-click on the Sheer DNA Unit that you want to remove to display
the shortcut menu, and select Delete. A warning message is displayed.
4. Click Yes to proceed or No to cancel the operation. A confirmation
message is displayed.
5. Click OK. The Sheer DNA Unit is deleted and is no longer displayed in
the Tree pane and Workspace.