Getting Started with Sheer DNA Manage
Cisco Systems, Inc. Page 45
For more information about:
• Menu options, refer to following section.
• Toolbar, refer to page 46.
Note: The menus and toolbar displayed in the Sheer DNA Manage window
are context sensitive; the options vary depending on your selection in the
Tree pane and Workspace.
Scopes Menus
This section provides a description of each option available in the menus
when the Scopes branch is selected. The following menus are available:
• File menu, as described in the following section.
• Tools menu, as described on page 22.
• Help menu, as described on page 22.
• Tree Pane shortcut menu, as described on page 45.
• Workspace shortcut menu, as described on page 46.
File Menu – Scopes Branch
The File menu for the Scopes branch is displayed below.
New Scope
Creates a new scope.
Displays the properties of the selected scope.
Exits Sheer DNA Manage. For more information, refer to page 56.
Tree Pane Shortcut Menu – Scopes Branch
When the user right-clicks on the Scopes branch in the Tree pane the
following menu is displayed: