Managing Sheer DNA Units
Cisco Systems, Inc. Page 73
• Standby Unit: Define whether a Sheer DNA Unit is defined
(checkbox is selected) as a standby unit.
• The Protection Group dropdown list displays the currently defined
list of customized protection groups
3. Enter the IP Address of the new Sheer DNA Unit in the IP Address
4. Select the required protection group from the Protection Group
dropdown list.
5. Click OK. The new Sheer DNA Unit is displayed in the Tree pane and
the Workspace of the Sheer DNA Manage window.
If the new Sheer DNA Unit is installed and reachable it will start
automatically. The Sheer DNA Unit is registered with the Sheer DNA
Gateway. Specifically, the command creates the configuration registry for the
new Sheer DNA Unit in the Golden Source. For more information about the
Golden Source Registry, refer to page 157.
In addition, Sheer DNA Manage automatically creates the transport uplinks
between the Sheer DNA Unit and the Sheer DNA Gateway.
5.3 Editing Sheer DNA Unit Properties
The user can view the properties of a Sheer DNA Server, for example,
physical and allocated memory.
To edit a Sheer DNA Unit’s properties
1. Select the DNA Servers branch in the Sheer DNA Manage window Tree
pane. The DNA Servers branch is displayed.
2. Select the Sheer DNA Unit or Sheer DNA Gateway in the Workspace or
expand the DNA Servers branch and select the required Sheer DNA Unit
or Sheer DNA Gateway in the Tree pane.