Introducing Sheer DNA
Cisco Systems, Inc. Page 11
A workflow consists of several tasks grouped together and arranged in a
flowchart. All workflows are stored on the Sheer DNA Gateway. After a
workflow is deployed, it is accessible using Sheer DNA Manage in order to
view properties and status. Deployed workflow templates can be invoked via
the Sheer DNA API using BQL. In addition, the user can view a history of
the invoked workflows using Sheer EventVision. For more information, refer
to this guide and the Cisco Active Network Abstraction Workflow User’s
1.5 Terminology and Conventions
This Sheer DNA Administrator’s Guide uses the following conventions:
Convention Description
^ or Ctrl
The ^ and Ctrl symbols represent the Control key. For
example, the key combination ^D or Ctrl-D means hold
down the Control key while pressing the D key. Keys are
indicated in capital letters but are not case sensitive.
Command syntax descriptions use the following conventions:
Convention Description
Boldface text indicates commands and keywords that the
user enters literally as shown.
Italic text indicates arguments for which the user supplies
Square brackets enclose an optional element (keyword or
A vertical line indicates a choice within an optional or
required set of keywords or arguments.
[x | y]
Square brackets enclosing keywords or arguments
separated by a vertical line indicate an optional choice.
{x | y}
Braces enclosing keywords or arguments separated by a
vertical line indicate a required choice.
Nested sets of square brackets or braces indicate optional or required choices
within optional or required elements. For example:
Convention Description
[x {y | z}]
Braces and a vertical line within square brackets indicate
a required choice within an optional element.