Cisco Active Network Abstraction Administrator’s Guide, 3.5
Page 76 Cisco Systems, Inc.
5.5 Finding a Unit/AVM/VNE
A single search in Sheer DNA Manage can locate Sheer DNA Units, AVMs
and VNEs among all Sheer DNA Servers according to specifically defined
search criteria.
To find a Unit/AVM/VNE
1. In the Sheer DNA Manage window Tree pane, select the DNA Servers
branch or any sub-branch. The selected branch or sub-branch is
2. In the toolbar, click Find. The Find dialog box is displayed.
The Find field enables the user to enter specific search criteria in order
to find the required DNA Unit/AVM/VNE. For example, the user can
search for an AVM using the ID number or search for a Unit using an IP
The Types dropdown list enables the user to specify whether the user is
searching for a Unit/AVM/VNE by selecting an option from the list.
When an option is selected from the list, then the Property area is
enabled, displaying the properties for the selected option. For example, if
AVM is selected from the Types dropdown list, then the AVM’s
properties are displayed in the Property area and the user can select a
specific property according to which the user wants to conduct the
The Up and Down radio buttons enable the user to search up and down
(you can also use the F3 key).