Drools Rules Engine
Cisco Systems, Inc. Page 163
The Drools parameters are stored in the ANA registry file mmvm.xml under
the event-management key:
• Context ID - the Drools context name
• Rule file name – the name of the respective rule file.
• the specified rule (the file name under mmvm.xml).
D.4 Upgrading Rule Files
To upgrade a rule file:
1. Make a copy of the required rule file (pre.drl or post.drl), and edit it.
2. Copy the updated file (under a temporary name) to the ANA Gateway
(directory ~sheer/Main/data).
Note: In case the rule file is edited on a PC, make sure that the text
format is compliant to the UNIX version that runs on the Cisco ANA
Gateway. If necessary, use a utility such as DOS2UNIX for conversion.
3. Check the validity of the new file, by running the checkrules.cmd utility
(developed by Cisco to validate the rules syntax), as follows:
checkrules.cmd <rule-file-name>
4. Once the rule file has been validated:
• Copy the new rule file on top of the respective existing rule file.
• Reload rules files by running the reloadrules.cmd utility, as follows:
reloadrules.cmd <contex-id>
For information about using Shell commands to manipulate Drools, refer to
the Cisco Active Network Abstraction Shell User’s Guide.
For more information about Drools, go to www.drools.org