Cisco Active Network Abstraction Administrator’s Guide, 3.5
Page 106 Cisco Systems, Inc.
4. Select Move VNEs from the shortcut menu. The Move To dialog box is
The Move To dialog box displays a tree-and-branch representation of the
selected Sheer DNA Server, its Units and AVMs, excluding the AVM in
which the VNE is currently located. The highest level of the tree displays
the Sheer DNA Server. The branches can be expanded and collapsed in
order to display and hide information.
5. In the Move To dialog box, browse to and select the AVM (branch)
where you want to move the VNE(s).
6. Click OK. The VNE is moved to its new location, and now appears
beneath the selected AVM (branch) in the VNEs Properties table in the
Note: The user can view the “moved” VNE by selecting the appropriate
AVM in the Tree pane of the Sheer DNA Manage window (such as
AVM 500-930000) and view the “moved” VNE in the VNEs Properties
table displayed in the Workspace.
Note: The VNE(s) that is moved is automatically unloaded and reloaded,
and its status is maintained.