Getting Started with Sheer DNA Manage
Cisco Systems, Inc. Page 25
An example of the Sheer DNA Manage window when a DNA Servers Entity
sub-branch is selected is displayed below.
Each row in the table in the Workspace enables the user to view the status of
an AVM. The AVMs can be sorted in ascending or descending order by
clicking on the column heading in the table.
Note: Any changes that are made to the DNA Servers Entity sub-branch are
saved automatically and registered immediately in the Sheer DNA.
The following columns are displayed in the Workspace table for the AVMs
that are listed or running under the server entity:
• ID: The name of the AVM as defined in Sheer DNA and unique to the
AVM, for example, AVM 18.
• Status: The status of the AVM, as follows:
• Starting Up: When an AVM is started.
• Up: The AVM is up.
• Shutting Down When an AVM is stopped.
• Down: The AVM is down.
• Unreachable: The AVM cannot be reached.
• Up Since: The date and time that the Sheer DNA Unit was last started.
• Max Memory: The maximum allocated memory size as defined when
the AVM was created in Sheer DNA Manage. The default value is
256 MB.