Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Chapter 2 Content Switching Module with SSL Commands
show module csm tech-support
Session Redundancy Standby:
Rx Fake SYN 0 0
Rx Repeat Fake SYN 0 0
Rx Fake Reset 0 0
Fake SYN Sent to NAT 0 0
Tx Port Sync 0 0
Encap Not Found 0 0
Fake SYN, TCP State Invalid 0 0
Session Redundancy Active:
L4 Requests Sent 0 0
L7 Requests Sent 0 0
Persistent Requests Sent 0 0
Rx Fake SYN 0 0
Fake SYN Sent to NAT 0 0
Session's torn down 180 0
Rx Close session 1 0
Slowpath(low pri) buffer allocs 7843 0
Slowpath(high pri) buffer allocs 8 0
Small buffer allocs 180 0
Medium buffer allocs 0 0
Large buffer allocs 0 0
Session table allocs 180 0
Slowpath(low pri) buffer alloc failures 0 0
Slowpath(high pri) buffer alloc failures 0 0
Small buffer allocs failures 0 0
Medium buffer allocs failures 0 0
Large buffer allocs failures 0 0
Session table allocs failures 0 0
Outstanding slowpath(low pri) buffers 0 0
Outstanding slowpath(high pri) buffers 0 0
Outstanding small buffers 0 0
Outstanding medium buffers 0 0
Outstanding large buffers 0 0
Outstanding sessions 0 0
Related Commands module csm