Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Chapter 3 Commands Specific to the Content Switching Module with SSL
clear ssl-proxy conn
clear ssl-proxy conn
To clear all TCP connections on the entire system, use the clear ssl-proxy conn command.
clear ssl-proxy conn [service name]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Modes EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines To reset all the statistics counters that the Content Switching Module with SSL maintains, use the clear
ssl-proxy connection command without options.
Examples This example shows how to clear the connections for the specified service:
ssl-proxy# clear ssl-proxy conn service S6
This example shows how to clear all TCP connections on the entire system:
ssl-proxy# clear ssl-proxy conn
service name (Optional) Clears the connections for the specified service.
Release Modification
Cisco IOS Release
12.1(13)E and
SSL Services Module
Release 1.1(1)
Support for this command was introduced on the Catalyst 6500 series
CSM-S release 1.1(1) This command was introduced.