
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Chapter 2 Content Switching Module with SSL Commands
To enter the Dynamic Feedback Protocol (DFP) submode, and then configure DFP, use the dfp
command. To remove the DFP configuration, use the no form of this command.
dfp [password password [timeout]]
no dfp [password password]
Syntax Description
Defaults Timeout value is 180 seconds.
Command Modes Module CSM configuration submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines The timeout option allows you to change the password without stopping messages between the DFP
agent and its manager.
During a timeout, the agent sends packets with the old password (or null, if there is no old password),
and receives packets with either the old or new password. After a timeout expires, the agent sends and
receives packets with only the new password; received packets that use the old password are discarded.
If you are changing the password for an entire load-balanced environment, set a longer timeout. The
extended timeout allows enough time for you to update the password on all agents and servers before
the timeout expires. The embedded timeout also prevents mismatches between agents and servers that
have the new password and agents and servers that have the old password.
Examples This example shows how to initiate DFP agent configuration mode, configure DFP, set the password to
flounder, and configure a 60-second timeout:
Cat6k-2(config-module-csm)# dfp password flounder 60
password (Optional) Specifies a password for MD5 authentication.
password (Optional) Password value for MD5 authentication. This password
must be the same on all DFP manager devices. The password can
contain 1–64 characters. Valid characters are: a–z, A–Z, 0–9, @, #, $.
timeout (Optional) Delay period, in seconds, during which both the old
password and the new password are accepted; the range is from 0 to
Release Modification
CSM release 1.1(1) This command was introduced.
CSM-S release 1.1(1) This command was introduced.