
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Chapter 2 Content Switching Module with SSL Commands
request (probe submode)
request (probe submode)
To configure the request method used by the HTTP probe, use the request command in the SLB HTTP
probe configuration submode. To remove the request method from the configuration, use the no form of
this command.
request [method {get | head}] [url path]
no request [method {get | head}] [url path]
Syntax Description
Defaults The default path is /.
The default method is the get option.
Command Modes SLB HTTP probe configuration submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines The CSM supports only the get and head request methods. This command is for HTTP probes.
Examples This example shows how to configure a request method for the probe configuration:
Cat6k-2(config-slb-probe-http)# request method head
Related Commands probe
show module csm probe
method get (Optional) Configures a method for the probe request and directs the
server to get this page.
method head (Optional) Configures a method for the probe request and directs and
directs the server to get only the header for this page.
url path (Optional) A character string up to 255 characters specifying the
URL path.
Release Modification
CSM release 1.1(1) This command was introduced.
CSM-S release 1.1(1) This command was introduced.