
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Appendix A Acronyms
OSI Open System Interconnection
OSM Optical Services Module
OSPF open shortest path first
PAE port access entity
PAgP Port Aggregation Protocol
PBD packet buffer daughterboard
PBR policy-based routing
PC Personal Computer (formerly PCMCIA)
PCM pulse code modulation
PCR peak cell rate
PDP policy decision point
PDU protocol data unit
PEP policy enforcement point
PFC Policy Feature Card
PGM Pragmatic General Multicast
PHY physical sublayer
PIB policy information base
PIM protocol independent multicast
PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
ppsec packets per second
PRID Policy Rule Identifiers
PVLANs private VLANs
PVST+ Per-VLAN Spanning Tree+
QDM QoS device manager
QM QoS manager
QM-SP SP QoS manager
QoS quality of service
Q-in-Q 802.1Q in 802.1Q
RACL router interface access control list
RADIUS Remote Access Dial-In User Service
RAM random-access memory
RCP Remote Copy Protocol
RF Redundancy Facility
RGMP Router-Ports Group Management Protocol
RIB routing information base
RIF Routing Information Field
Table A-1 List of Acronyms (continued)
Acronym Expansion