ISM 824 Multiswitcher Software, cont’d
ISM 824 Integration Scaling Multiswitcher • ISM 824 Multiswitcher Software
Control program menus and pages
Extron ISM 824 Control Program (gure 5-5) emulates some of the front panel
features of the ISM 824 multiswitcher. The main software window has four
pages; I/O control, I/O settings, Audio settings, and Output cards. Each one
of these pages are interactive and are used to configure and control the ISM 824
when connected. Click on each one as desired to complete configuration of the
multiswitcher, following the instructions below.
Other settings and features are available through the drop down menu system
under “ File”, “Tools”, and “Help”.
Menu features
There are three menu item on the menu bar; File, Tools, and Help.
This drop down menu has the following items: Connect, Disconnect, File Manager,
and Exit.
Figure 5-6 — File menu
• Connect — Selecting this opens a window with two connection type tabs (see
figure 5-4). Select the connection method preferred, complete the address fields
then click Connect to connect with your ISM 824. The status bar at the bottom of
the main window indicates connection status.
• Disconnect — Selecting this disconnects the software from the ISM 824. The
interactive fields in the current control panel window are grayed out, and the
pages and tools menu are non selectable. The status bar at the bottom of the
main window indicates disconnected status.
• File Manager — This menu allows the user to access, sort, delete or create files to
upload to the ISM 824.
• Exit — Select this to close the ISM 824 Windows Control program. To restart the
program follow the “Using the software” section, earlier in this chapter.
This drop down menu has the following items: Data Tracer, Device Images,
Executive Mode, I/O Group Settings, Output Card Reset, Unit Settings, Unit Reset,
and Update Firmware.
Figure 5-7 — Tools menu