ISM 824 Integration Scaling Multiswitcher • ISM 824 Multiswitcher Software
3. Within this window, click on a desired button to edit. A red square appears
over the button in which text (2 characters maximum on input and output
buttons) can be typed.
4. If an image or icon is to be used on the button, check the from Palette or from
File buttons, and click browse to locate the image source.
5. When the image is located, click Open. The image appears on the button.
Press Clear Button or Clear All buttons to create new labels as many times as
necessary to make all of the button labels that you need.
6. When all edits are complete, select File, Print, and print the labels to a local
A complete sheet of labels is printed, regardless of the number of buttons that
have been edited.
7. Cut out each label as applicable, and exchange the existing labels on the ISM’s
front panel buttons, as shown below.
Replacing the button labels
Once the labels are printed, the front panel button translucent covers can be
removed to insert the new labels. To replace the label do the following:
1. Insert the at-head end of an Extron tweeker or small screwdriver alongside
the button and gently lever off the (two-piece) button cap (see figure 5-34)
from the base.
Separating the two-
piece button here at
the corner.
Pry the two
pieces apart.
Button Label
Clear Lens
Figure 5-34 — Remove the button cap to replace the label
2. Separate the cap into the lens and diffuser insert the flat-head end of an
Extron tweeker or small screwdriver into the corner hole in the cap and turn
until the two pieces come apart (see figure 5-34).
3. Remove and replace the label as desired.
4. Press the lens and diffuser together and push the cap firmly back onto the