
ISM 824 Integration Scaling Multiswitcher • ISM 824 Multiswitcher Software
Output Cards page
Selecting the fourth tab opens the Output Cards page, which allows the user to
individually congure up to four output cards. Each installed congurable card
has a radio button next to the name. Click on this button to choose the card to be
Non-configurable cards, such as wideband cards, show a grayed-out radio
Universal Scaler
Use this page to congure the Universal Scaler output card (for any input) for the
following settings:
• create an input to output tie
• picture adjustments — image color, tint, brightness, contrast, detail, horizontal
and vertical positioning, horizontal and vertical sizing, and zoom
• input settings — pixel phase, number of active and total pixels, number of active
lines, and number of the horizontal and vertical start point
• aspect ratio — select a value (16:9 or 4:3)
• output congurations — resolution, output type, output rate, and sync polarity
• advanced congurations — test pattern selection, lm mode, blue mode, RGB
signal pass-through selection, auto image, and auto memory
• user presets (presets #1-3) — save and recall
• input presets (presets # 1 through 128) — save and recall
• Start Auto image
• Freeze (image)
Figure 5-30 — Current Universal Scaler output card settings
Each input to any output card can have different picture adjustments settings.
The image control default settings are 50% of the min/max (see figure 5-30).
Some values may be auto detected (e.g. for H and V size), and values that are
not available are shown as N/A.