ISM 824 Multiswitcher Software, cont’d
ISM 824 Integration Scaling Multiswitcher • ISM 824 Multiswitcher Software
Selecting blue mode, 2:2 Pull down, Edge smoothing lter, Auto image,or
Enhancement mode
To select blue mode, 2:2 Pull down, Edge smoothing lter, auto image or
enhancement mode from the advanced configuration settings, do the
1. To select any of these settings, click the check box alongside the setting name.
If blue mode is selected (set to on), only the sync and blue video signal are passed
to the display.
2:2 pull down is greyed out when not available for a selected input signal type
When the edge filter is selected (set to on), it reduces or eliminates aliasing, and
the resulting jail bar effect.
When the enhancement mode is selected (set to on), automatic gain control of the
video input signal is enabled.
Deselecting or re-selecting auto memory
Auto memory is enabled by default, and should only be disabled if input presets
are to be used. See “Saving inputs presets”, below for details.
To deselect (or re-select) auto memory, do the following:
1. Click in the Auto memory box. When enabled, the green check mark is
Setting top and bottom blanking values
To set top and bottom blanking values in the advanced configuration settings, do
the following:
1. To select any of these settings click in the blanking value field to be changed,
the value field will open and show two scrolling arrows.
2. Either; using the arrows, scroll up or down to the desired setting, or directly
type in the value. Press Enter. The output’s blanking area is set to that value.
If a value exceeding the minimum or maximum levels (see Min/Max column) is
entered, the program defaults to the minimum or maximum level.
Saving or recalling user presets
To save or recall user presets, do the following:
1. Click one of the user preset buttons (Preset # 1 through 3).
2. Click Save to save the preset to that selected number, or click Recall to recall
the selected preset.
Saving a preset, saves the users configuration to the selected preset number.
Previous saves to that number are overwritten.
Saving input presets
Input presets store all input settings to one of 128 memory locations, to be
recalled via SIS
commands. See chapter 4, “SIS
Programming and Control”
for command details
To save an input preset, do the following:
1. Click the drop down arrow in the presets field. A list of presets (1 through
128) appears.
2. Scroll to and click on the desired preset number. The preset field shows the
preset number selected.
3. Click Save to save the preset to that selected number.