HTML Operation, cont’d
ISM 824 Integration Scaling Multiswitcher • HTML Operation
Executive mode
The Executive Mode section has three selectable levels;
• Off – full front panel access and menus are available
• View only – ties cannot be created or broken and menus are not available.
• I/O ties only – ties can be created or broken but menus are not available.
To set an Executive mode do the following:
1. Click the radio button for the desired executive mode level. The device is
updated to that level.
Passwords page
To access the Passwords page click on the Passwords link on the left side of any of
the Configuration pages. The four fields on this page are for entering and verifying
administrator and user passwords (see figure 6-6).
Figure 6-6 — Passwords page
Passwords are case sensitive and are limited to 12 uppercase and lowercase
alphanumeric characters. Each password must be entered twice; once in the
Password field and then again in the Re-enter Password field. Characters in these
fields are masked by asterisks (*****). If you do not want to password protect an
access level, leave the Password eld and the Re-Enter password eld blank. After
entering the desired password in both fields, click the Submit button.
An administrator password must be created before a user password can be
To clear an existing password so that no password is required, delete the asterisks,
enter a single space in the Password and Re-enter Password fields, and click
Email Alerts page
To access the the Email Alerts page click on the Email Alerts link on the left side of
any of the Conguration pages. The Email Alerts page is used to set up the device
to automatically send e-mail alert messages when settings are changed on the
ISM 824. Up to 64 e-mail addresses can be addressed to alert recipients that any
particular event has occurred. Each addressee can receive the same or different
alerts for differing events.
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) authorization can be specified as necessary
for the ISM to accept incoming e-mail. This prevents spam from taking up space in
the device’s e-mail system.