HTML Operation, cont’d
ISM 824 Integration Scaling Multiswitcher • HTML Operation
3. Click Take to make the tie. The page refreshes, the letter P disappears from
the button and the ISM 824 is updated with the new tie.
To remove ties, do the following:
1. In the signal type field, click Video only, Audio only, or Video & Audio
depending on the signal type to be removed.
2. Click the input/output button of the tie to be removed. The button changes
color and indicates a provisional tie with a letter “P” (see figure 6-11).
If a video is removed from an video/audio tie, the button turns red (from amber).
If an audio tie is removed from an video/audio tie, the button turns green (from
If a single signal tie (video or audio) is removed, or a combined signal (when
the video & audio signal type button is highlighted), the button turns gray (see
figure 6-12, input #6, output #7, for example, video and audio tie provisionally
3. Click Take to make the tie. The screen refreshes, the letter “P” disappears
from the button and the ISM 824 is updated, removing the selected tie.
To set output volume levels, do the following:
1. In the Output Adjustments section, click in the desired output volume field.
A drop down value list (0 to 64) appears (see figure 6-12).
Figure 6-12 — Click in an output field to see the drop down list
2. Scroll down to the desired level and click. The page refreshes and the device
updates to the selected level.
Alternatively use the
and buttons to increment or decrement the level just
1 step at a time. The page refreshes every time the or buttons are clicked
on, and the device updates with each step change.