HTML Operation, cont’d
ISM 824 Integration Scaling Multiswitcher • HTML Operation
Conguration Pages
Click on the Configuration tab, to download the ISM’s configuration pages. These
pages gives access to the system settings, ISM settings, passwords, email settings,
and to the Firmware Upgrade facility. All the pages within the Conguration
series have fields which can be edited to allow changes to the system settings, the
unit settings, administration settings, and to select firmware to upgrade the unit.
Individual configuration pages can be accessed by clicking the appropriate link in
the column on the left side of the page.
The initial screen displayed shows the System Settings page (see figure 6-3).
Figure 6-3 — Configuration — System Settings
System Settings page – IP Settings elds
The IP Settings fields provide a location for viewing and editing settings unique
to the ISM/Ethernet interface. After editing any of the settings on this page, click
Submit at the bottom of the section. The screen refreshes and the unit is updated.
If an error is made during field editing and before submitting, click Cancel.
The screen refreshes with the previous entries. The unit is not updated.
Some fields are not changeable
Unit Name eld
The Unit Name eld contains the name used as the “from” information when the
switcher e-mails alerts. This name field can be changed to any valid name, up to
24 alphanumeric characters.
The following characters are invalid in the name:
+ ~ , @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > ’ “ ; : | \ and ?.