HTML Operation, cont’d
ISM 824 Integration Scaling Multiswitcher • HTML Operation
System Settings page – Date/Time Settings elds
The Date/Time Settings fields (figure 6-4) provide a location for viewing and
setting the time functions. The adjustable variables are month, day, year, hours,
minutes, AM/PM, and (time) zone.
Figure 6-4 — Date/Time Settings fields
Change the date and time settings as follows:
1. Click the desired variable’s drop box. A drop down scroll box appears.
2. Click the desired value.
For quick setting of the date and time, click the Local Date/Time.
Click Cancel at any point before submitting to exit any field changes.
The unit is not updated with those changes The screen refreshes and shows the
current device settings.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all variables that need to be changed.
4. If appropriate, select the Daylight Savings radio button for the ISM’s region,
to turn on the daylight savings time feature.
When a locations daylight savings time is turned on, the switcher automatically
updates its internal clock between Standard Time and Daylight Savings Time
in the spring and fall on the date that the time change occurs in the country or
region selected. When Daylight Savings Time is turned off, the switcher does
not adjust its time reference.
5. Select the Zone variable that is relevant for the ISM’s location.
The Zone field identifies the standard time zone selected and displays the
amount of time, in hours and minutes, that the local time varies from the GMT
international time reference.
5. Click Submit. The device is updated with the new settings.
ISM Settings page
To access the ISM Settings page click on the ISM Settings link on the left side of any
of the Configuration pages. The three sections on this page allow the following
settings to be made:
• The video type and audio gain values (in dB) for each input (figure 6-5).
• The RGB delay (in seconds) for each output.
• The Executive Mode (front panel lockout).
See chapter 3, “Operation and Setup,” for descriptions of the page settings.