Garmin aera 795/796 Pilot’s Guide
190-01194-00 Rev. C
Hazard Avoidance
OverviewGPS NavigationFlight PlanningHazard AvoidanceAdditional FeaturesAppendicesIndex
Viewing Ground Station Status:
From the Main Menu touch the Tools Icon.
Touch Data Link.
Touch Menu > Ground Stations.
From the Main Menu touch the Weather Icon.
Touch Menu > Information.
Touch Menu > Ground Stations.
The Weather Status Information shown on the Weather Information
Page will depend on the current configured weather source.
FIS-B weather broadcasts are updated regularly and may take approximately
ten minutes to transmit all available weather data. Therefore, weather data is not
immediately available. No pilot action is required to receive FIS-B weather information.
Weather product status can be viewed on the dedicated Weather Page,or the Data Link
Page from the Tools menu.
When a FIS-B weather product is active on a map, the age of the data is displayed
on the screen in the lower left corner. The age of the product is based on the time
difference between when the data was assembled on the ground and the current GPS
time. Weather products are broadcast at specific intervals (see broadcast interval in
the table below).
If, for any reason, a weather product is not refreshed within the Expiration Time
intervals (see table), the data is considered expired and is removed from the display.
This ensures that only data that is consistent with FIS-B broadcast data is displayed.
If more than half of the expiration time has elapsed, the color of the product age
displayed changes to yellow. The system displays dashes instead of a product age
when a product has expired. If a weather product is not available or has not been
received, the system displays ‘N/A’ instead of a product age.
The table below shows the FIS-B weather expiration time and the broadcast interval.
The broadcast interval represents the interval at which FIS-B GBTs broadcast new