",?t;er) us,ng ff_e LCD tT_onifor @_,':;ngr_.ocord_ng and p_,oybdc£ you cot. C@'ust i?',e b,';ghh%_s of ;_sscreen
end Ple (_r;g; of ff_,e monilor
Opening the LCD Monitor &<_,as_i. Aft,_5seco_ds,th,:_di.st>e ,_dis
1 Pr<ss dw OPEN button [o open @re LCD mon- }qa}, _*,,'ilt au ematk:a[Iy disappear,
sw_ci_es he _NCtL'e !o appeQ_ on the LCO
_"or/i £r o n ii;e vewfinoer,
@Adiusfing the Brightness of the LCD
Note: Even whet 1he picture o_ 1he LCD men-
tor is adiusted, the recorded vdeo wi net
c @nge,
Load the battery, ("C amc(,_d_ r Pe'_¢ er 8ou:ces",
2 Press the mall buttor_ 033 the C!_,M,/O[':F'/
VIDEO switch as you slide it to CAM or VID[ ().
Range in which the LCD Monitor
can be moved
3 Use the brigi_tness cep4!:ol buttens _o ad st the
bcighto_ ss of the LCD screen Whe> either: but-
ton is p:essc, d, the brightncss contr( t ctis_qay
will appear en the LCD n',enitor for about 5 sec-
ends. }%ess _ to increase brightness, or _ to
Viewed from Side
180 °