Using the Electronic image Stabtizer
7_ineelec;'rc'nic irr'_<7_, stab iizer /,E S) cos'r_c_ s#g_ tsh_c_k!?_gof fl_e ;'mas'e bein_ ro co_de(2 a__cf/s ef?ocffve
W]x ]e votj zoom to a d sta£_ s_49jecL
While you approach a small subject.
Whle yoLt wa]}. at<)Li._/d.
, Whh, yo_ record from i_side a ls_ovhtg ve_dc/e.
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appea_s _t _4 t pp e cot'_eof rise _<]e_,v_]1<
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£-_:lo/iJtor image shakes ,,__h a sIig]s delay.
No_e: ,_.S fT:oy _]oi h_ C±iOr fyot] to÷ _ wit<, O
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