N:the LCD monitor is turned 90° so _mt it f_ces
sisnalis being _ecorded during {-ecordins,
recordin£ pause, in tarot review, edit ng AiV
dubbil_g or Ai V du}bh:g pause, the imate on
the 0.onitor s_R'en will become a mirror [maze,
and the viuwfinder wlI turn nn. lhe on-scr_<en
display on the LeD monitor _iH disappear'.
Ca@ions on LCD Monlor Screen
Do so{ touch _.he LeD screen _qth }our i:iDge_s
as ihe scrc_,n could 8e dirt), aid the pkture win
not be see_ clearly [f he LCD screea beco_;:es
dirt% use a soil: clot[: to _.'ipe oil the dirt.
1{ N_e cameo'tier is used in a cold place and
laec< :nes too cold, the t,CD _crc(n ufi] be din:
for a whie a{i_n' the po_-et' is umed o: %Vt:e :
[}retemperature insldu the cm:lcordei rises, the
brightness of tie picta "ev,S]ibecome normal.
Do not hold b) the LeD monitor as this could
cause a maiRmction.
()pen the LeD monitor by 90 ° be[ore c_m_?,ing
its direction. If you were to attempt _.oinverl, its
direction bei:e{e openin S it completely, i{ co@d
cause a mail:motion'<
7'he L(D monitor c u:::o[be dosed if i_ is tiked.
* Close tb,e ,%('D mop,Rot after u:aklng stu'e it is
parallel with the camcordc:. If you were [o dose
d::e ','nor:itor vdqle it [ac_'s 11:_ same dh'ec ion as
the lens or it is diagon,:l, it could damate {he
ted I:o liter,
'_ Do _:ot d:sas e:r, bk_ th*' LCD monitor as this
::tigLtce,use a malfi:::cffon.
WI:en opening d_e LCI ) too:lifo: be cart_fu] that
no water dr'oR]eta adhere the mo::it<_r screen
and [l;la_no water or dust entex-s[}_eca:qco:der
@uouzh t}:e gap ,}s it could cause a :::alfu_ctio:-_,
Active Screen
]he camce:cier au[ematicallv b: ghten ,, []_e backlizht of the L(D monlt<x hhen you are iteco: d:%{ a bl::)!,hi
subiect ou doo_s, so that the I,('!) screen :s _;.:s},'to see.
Noie: When yon recoK_ cJbdGbt s.£_,j®c,+ouedoors, the c{:_rncorc_er ope/Qtff_© ime wi]_be :es,s:_c_< whet',
reooKirx.9 )¢10011
Note: Even i!:yof retort: ouiOoofs, the LeD m,or_i or bqcktf:]ht moy nor bdgh en, f yot 'ate (]irrih 0 <_I¢._
No!_e: Whte :be bc:t'e y chc_rg< _hd color " ,m_i " is fl@shin@.H'_e Actve Scree_ _'nc kx _vl to1 ope_ute.
Adjusting the E:ectronic Viewfinder
Adius[ the ebctrorAc _iewh_:der to the i? >sition o_
<ptin:um visibility Plac Ih('vk, wh_de'back infin
xi_finai pos don bef,_ e sl,rk?. @re <amcode! _i i!s
case or carr],'J:f_t}3er'amcorde_ alx)ulvzlto avoid
dama£in 8 the viewfilt4er or can:corder.
/)'* "+1] <it
.<c--, -. ,,y_
. % ,..:: >t<
! '< :, i_<£u
<t-. 'o'
--.-4 I]._
"- _<"-%<-S
[Tn not i'o_c! th£< /,, _ho eel ot C vtawf',-(J_r
wflen C¢1:['/Jig cs [ s COUIC_C<]use C', //Q fURCHO },