PLAY Bt_ftoI_
IF IR_t Ion
@If tape is inserted in the VIDEO mode
(Oniy during Hi818 piayback) :
+, I '31 MODB ALSO' i_ stcdfivd f_'om t]_:
/;le_ i scree D AU'[()SENSIN(; .d!] fi_s[" f/
lhc _ fe ",fh',d( r or on fi_e ice rno Ater_ and the
c_,(_c> d _ ,,,il! start Ie detect fie inset ed tape
Hate; W_ e "ALe SENSF\/.' isflash[ C, ze O(rr
COi,_ )1MI iS()? Gcoep O. Ij OD@£ _ior6 o[_e [(31
EJE(J}[ e(; POWEI¢ OF s
Note: t_(,c_spIQy he opF;ecxsit h( view de
oF o: Jhe [CO r; en to Q rig () (]vOQok W' direr
QI bows de_e vFr 0 on t_e "ape (;rw_ f nctior
sP [_
ogta_ 8 [.............................................................
i {P
.................................................................................. t...................
Sto_dclId 8 5P i "_one
Hi 8 9g ; t
.................. APE]..................; .......................... __i
bt?E is m. lpg_,d_ ' _,, ordi_ g Rmck[ _r eq h._°
k:nt 1o Kit on a standard 8 m_m [ai>e.'i]\}*E is
_nounfed f }ritach %'M-1765LAi'_M-II6Uq.Ai
vM RI<- '5LA camce_dem.
] Oper_ the LCD monitor: and the_ _dust [he
angle o_ the _<oldor ("Ope_h;_ @e I,L'D
Menk )r", p] 4}
_ [L)[-O vit,!_ !v-A} !:€]kiRk! Ih _vitd ',:o VIDEO
3 ]/css he R[1%% i>_ tiot O "eft;_d fie tape
I;<K fst irorwKdi i} fie lap Ires f _
4 P,ess t_e MAY ::u[t( _ ;@ p_}' _ac:k } : are.,.
" 1-o < [usa t]_< t_ p:ss the
YO(. us/vet conhoi b.,tf )_s Wi_e e !-_e bxi
FOI"US/VOL, Co_ho_ B_'[tot;5
te_ is 9-e,._s(d,the vohme adit sin ent d[',]')]av
wi[ appear or he !.(l) monito :fr abu 5 see
ends. Press _ io k_c:_xmsethe vo ume, oJ"pJess
t k{:'_eas _fI,Afte: 5 seco _ds, ihe ad _s _ e_t
display v, fi] lo_aica]ly ,dis {.,pear
8 )aS
i OL
Pre_:s []u>SPOP bu 1o-_vie! ye:*}l,aJefiished
Note; Oee_eQse the souncs vokme o tie o:;_
oo_del ¸when you plciv bQck O tecof(:]i0@}E)y eer>-
F'_eCIi_ [he cQ_cor_e_ to vour TV, JfShe voiur_]e
o_ ihe c(_nco_Gel ¸i8se[ To _(]x[_ik_}, i[}epioyeQ
©Qck ©ick;_e r_oy be <Jisk)rte_ M',]_e s_i_e_hct
i[]evo[ui fleis!_<)_5el io _]_GX}[_iL!WIQ_iiif]_ir@COIOh_
@S i1COL_[(J(_i_t()_fhe pklyed b<lok piciu_e
NO_; Wher_ Hie LeD !_io_[toti5hi_r_e'don and
[ef[es i_is,[he ;r_oiJto_becomes _i(;i:_,©uf tiqi5
does _}ethdiot]te c_f<]u[[
Note; Wise iqe CAMiOFF/ViDEO switch is set
to CAM or VD[:3 !he [CL) no o s r. { e_: :r
Qc:d ; .ib noiorJl_ wto ih_:_ (}[) ir, o:_if<)r S
open_ d oi](/ClOSe©
Noie; i sreco _efoe(iin(A yo cbsolre LeD
1[ O> to[ 0 5Q_,':} tea L@te:'y po'*,'ei wher_ [Uoy rI£
back ,._ p[ lure on @ V w[[hou: vie-dnq f
Note; ([)rib the ['ticsvk)(}" k sotJ;Cf is [eQRt Ihe
';0 "_d b<)i (3 :<_COrdri<_ iS flOl P'eod
Note: [qe so.,',() is leo_d v,,i'{< 'T[e [.CD -non[ o:
iS <)iOSt)Cf
}iole; I ?bile is iI r'o tgti@i recorded 1"() !ion ii'}
iw tidOle >f tie :ap. o if _ic Hit ,eco de<_
<error, o_o Di_tc 8, e(;orde<1 pore _ c[e
Pr[ixec op kp<, t£" i1%Q<K Jiro col t_-et [_,' P_OT
opet_[_ coFect[v
@To Play Back a Yape with the
Cbet!-l_ I,< )Is ,I' to;,ihc;',p_e.,'- }_e _ AYblt-
tc_ t_ l'b back the ape, I'he picture ai':p_s_ h:
_:h h_ff der
_',[o_e; VOL (or;ief 40 ire po'>Ix;ck So_ (_
w"e[_ OlQvr'© OcC[< yo_ voeo W ie
viewi ier