Getting Started
Th:ssect:ongu:.'÷syou _h:ough:heintake/p:_parot:ono:theco:'7>
OO:%_©L NOn@ Of t,%e_@ pyc>o6_ss_s ,.gf_ e0N_olex S@I d_]L_4_e se:Y_@
::me r_:ox.GridiTs::;,?:dm:Z÷yoij:se:€;.v:?htbsqu:Thty:n_t%:fnent
FQ:Oygetting to l_now oi1about you: 1£#_:: 8ram comco_de:, (he
PNOrG COrNfOffOb@ ond _3fT]lJ:o: yOU Gr@ WJtN _>18 ]7]CIChJF}@ ond Its
;:eatures, :tie mote you con mare f do for you Leftsget st_rfed!
it 17eru'o£_l float ymd:e_d c_,;_duode::.tdlnd oil _he sorely _:_struct:ioos
before you begin. If you haven't :4,od the sc%ot}/:,osh<:ct:ons ye_
please take the hme to do ,sonow
Components and Accessories
Ch_ck that you ha_e all @eloIlowh_ component _and _ccessoi __sbefc r,:,pr >ceedk_8,
AC adaptor Baffery pack Remote centre! Remote control
Clock baffery
, altN_ .hl k:,
Audio/Video cable
Pa_t No. ]9,,"?121,:[3
_art N_t [%K943
( Pv[OS/} A _:B,'f-DS/31,A)
VM-Dg75LA/VM_D875LA/VM-D873LA E9