
Activating Specia_ Effects Recording
t']acet}_eeamcerderin the recordpauser_ode. "MOSAIC": Mosaic Mode
2 Press the EPFI'CT butkw, to sele< t}{' speda]
effecls record mode you v.'anL
"16X9": 16)(9 Mode
Tbe picture format can be.sw tchcd from. 4:3 (the
picture [ormat of a;_ erd nay TV set) te 16x9. TEe
lop and b,yttom of the picture Jnthe viewflnder or
on t]_eLCD monitor beet,me black bars.
T]:'_eimage _n []-_e_.iew :irides (r on the tCD mon--
ter v,,_I?be in mosaic,
Normal Mode Mosaic Mode
Normal Mode 16X9 Mode
"NEGPOS": Negaiive/Posffive Mode
lhe Jntage r_ 8_e vie_ fb/der or on he [ f.[) _Neni--
tot v,i]} become negat re.
No_mel Mode Negative/Positive Mode
_MIRROR": Hoffomkror Mode
_ix: _mag_ n d-,.u ,-ewfir@cr <u oe Iih{,I.£1) mo_{-
t<r _,i[1 change to a s3 mmetric image on the left
and sight. ;brained b> placing t rnilror at fie
ce_ ker of tee screen.
Arf ModeNorton} Mode
,J_Press the St u[/St( p bt tt_m [o s{:a;t r£cer<lieg
7'0 release speda! efDcts recording, repeat-
edly p_e'_s the EFFFC7 bu[ton in t:t*e record
:paue mode until he r_onnat mode i':
restarec _
Normal Mode Ho#_mkror Mode