Camcorder Power Sources
Pod CGr_ use h"le c oi(:le<_ boff_y pGOR,/",C c,ffopfo _orot,,o'ec_ o7 oct bc_tfevv <;ore (oc,'t_on_O 1o power
Lhe OO"T?COf_J(_F, ALter U_e, De sur@ to remove Ff e pow_< suy_)pJly.
Using Battery Pack ,: s[ ;1 , . ; ; ;; - ; s g;:;, , ; .
Atli:ch fir dqmged batteo_ pack [o /1_, cam-
cot'de< (b,,e pages 1?'_-18 or a[tadqmeat _n:t
cb_!gk_g }f battery pack.)
Using the AC Adaptor _ :
,c sy power supp y go hot cry, A< <odof?f )/ e!c )
/ DC Ph_g
A( Adap[ca
To DC IN }ack
] P]tg th css'7: tf< ::)rc{ it, !iv c <'sdFar H:e
1£-_l_ so:ket
e,d oftLe{)( c:_'d toLheD< atlPL i of_]
C r _;<itb) _ C)C,
No've Only tlse 7he 2:,r L(:_ite;y cord wilt" <x:rs
hQvi!_g 72/24 voiis negative grot _r'_<_sy_e_s
N_÷: Yoci c(]n_<)i <ise tb@ CO_ _Q_tery COrd _o
Note: Yot_ "eede o©!osoiV_i CCSOA <IT