_ For U.&A only
To tocate an authorized
HITACHi service facility in
the continental U>S,A.
7 days a week, 24 hours a day
HitacM America, Ltd. Home Electronics Division
H tachi has made every effort to asso',e you houls of troubie fret operater= from you[ unit k_owever, s'_ouid you requ re
se vce, a network of Hi ecqi Authorized Service Facilities '-,.as bee_ established in a_150 states and Puerto Rico Each
fac ity wi} prey de you wi corwer ier_t and expedie_sL assistance. Our service "Hotlipe ' operator wl dect you to the
H tael [ A thorzed Se vice Facfity nearest yo_ Just p_ese_t proof of purchase arid/or de very receipts to the H taeh{
Authoized Service Fac Ih? and serv}ce wii be _e_sdered in accordance wh the terrr s of ti_e imted warranty as stated
or your ,_¢arren_y earls or oeerat ng guide
Should you have any questions re#arding in-vearrmzty service, operation or tech#ical asslstar_ce, please contact:
Hitachi America, Ltd. Home Eleetronlcs Division
1855 ©omoch Court
San Diego, CA 92154-7225
Tel I 800 H'Ti\CHI
(1 800-448 2244