Getting Started
Components and Accessories ................ 9
Identifying Controls ................................. 10
Loading Clock Battery ................................ 13
C_ock Batter,/ .............................................. 13
Using the _nfrared Remote Control ............ !3
LCD Monitor ............................................. 14
Opening the LCD Monitor ....................... 14
Adjusting the Brightness of the
LCD Screen .............................................. 14
Range in which the LCD Monitor can be
moved .................................................... 14
Active Screen ................................................ 15
Adjusting the Electronic Viewfinder .......... 15
Eyepiece Adjustment ................................. !6
Adjustment the Hand Strap ........................ 16
Attaching the Shoulder Strap ..................... 16
Charging the Battery ................................... 17
Removing the Battery Pack.......................... 18
Reference of Charged Level .......................... 18
Charging Time ............................................... t8
Operating Time ............................................... I8
Checking the Battery's Charge ................... 19
Camcorder Power Sources ......................... 20
Using Battery Pack .................................... 20
Using the AC Adaptor ............................... 20
Using a Car Battery .................................. 20
Inserting and Removing Cassettes ............ 2t
Inserting a Cassette .................................. 21
Removing a Cassette ................................. 21
Protecting Recorded Materia! ............... 21
Items SeIectabte with Menu Displays ........ 22
Menu selectaMe in the CAM mode ......... 22
Menu selectabfe in the VIDEO mode ....... 22
How to select item, s and set them ........... 22
Remaining Tape ............................................ 23
Using the Linear Time Counter .................. 23
Sw}tching On-Screen Display On/Off ........ 23
Demonstration Mode .................................. 23
Setting the Date and Time .......................... 24
Basic Techniques
Makng a Basic Recording ....................... 26
Changing the Ang}e of the LCD Monitor
when Recording ......................................... 27
Using Instant Review ................................... 27
Using Auto Focus ....................................... 28
Using the Power Zoom .............................. 29
Using the Digital Zoom ............................. 29
Using Macro .................................................. 29
Se_ing Recording Audio Mode ............ 30
Setting Recording Mode ................... 30
Recording Stitt Pictures (Photo} (for VM-
D975LA} ............................................ 31
PLayback ......................................................... 32
Using Still ................................................. 33
Using Forward and Reverse Search ........ 33
DispJaying Date/Time during pJayback ...... 34
Advanced Techniques
Using Manual Focus ................................ 36
Using xS00 Digital Zoom ............................. 36
Special Effects Recording ............................. 37
Activat}ng Special Effects Recording ...... 38
Using Fade ................................................... 39
Using the PROGRAM AE Button .............. 41
Using the Backlight Compensation .......... 42
Locking the White Balance ......................... 42
Using the Electronic Image Stabilizer ...... 43
Using Quick Edit ........................................... 43
Date Search .................................................. 44
Photo Search (for VM-D975LA) ................. 44
Using Memory ............................................. 44
Creating and Recording a Title ................... 45
SeIecdng Stored Title (Prememo} ........... 46
Creating a Title ......................................... 47
Recording Title on a Tape in the
Camcorder ............................................... 48
Recording a Tige while Transferring a
Tape ....................................................... 48
Switching On-Screen Display On/Off ...... 49
Setting Playback Mode ........................ 49
Setting Playback Audio Mode ................ 49
Converting Analog Signal to Digital Signal
(for VM-Dg75LA} ................................. 49
P_aying Back Your Recording
on Your TV ......................................... 50
Connecting to Television (or VCR} with
Audio/Video Input Jacks ........................ 50
P_aying Back Your Recording on the TV
Screen .................................................... 5!
Dubbing from the Camcorder to a VCR ..... 52
Using Audio/Video Dubbing ...................... 53
Anatog-to-Digita} Conversion (for VM-
D975LA} .................................................... 54
Recording frorn your VCR orTV ................ 54
TBC (Time Base Corrector} ON or OFF ...... 56
Attaching a fil_er ........................................ 56
Using the Bui!t-in DC Light
(for VM-D975LAjVM-D875LA} ................... 57
Generat Maintenance
C_eaning the Camcorde_ Heads ................. 58
C_eaning the Lens and Picture Tube
of the Electronic View, finder ..................... 58
Periodic Maintenance ................................. 59
Troubleshooting .......................................... 59
Specifications .............................................. 61
Available Accessories .............................. 63