Multiple SRC entries
System Licensed Internal Code entries might appear more than once for a single
problem. This occurs when the original system reference code is permanent or
temporary and additional data is logged at the same time. The additional data can
be informational, temporary, an IOP dump, or any other classification. Errors with
the same Log ID are generally associated with the same problem. An exception to
this would be when the Log ID counter reaches the maximum value and starts
over, possibly resulting in a new error being assigned a Log ID that is also used by
an existing older entry. Errors that have the same Log ID, but dates that are
months or years apart, are indicative of this situation.
Logical address format
Use the logical address (see Figure 48 on page 110) to identify the resource entry. To
sort by logical address, select the Analyze log option on the Product Activity Log
display. Then select the F9 key (Sort by...) and sort by logical address. For more
information on the address, use the address information function (see “Address
information function” on page 106).
The logical address format, A/B/C/D-E/F/G/H/J/K, has the following
A Type of I/O bus (transport)
B System bus number
C System board number (for busses that connect card enclosures)
D System card (bus unit) number
- Separates the bus address from the unit address
E Unit address type
Unit address data
The values of F, G, H, J, and K vary, depending on the unit address type (E). Use
the following information to determine the Unit address data (FGHJK)
Table 6. Unit address (E) definitions
Unit Address
Val ue
Unit Address
Unit Address Data
0 Reserved -----
1 Communications I/O bus Adapter Port Channel -
2 Storage I/O adapter I/O bus Controller Device -
3 Workstation I/O bus Adapter Port Device Session
4 Auxiliary Processor I/O bus Auxiliary
Adapter Port -
5 Library I/O adapter I/O bus Library Controller Device
6 Cryptography I/O bus Adapter Device - -
The Logical address field contains the bus address and the unit address. The bus
address describes the hardware bus, board, and card information. The unit address
describes the subsystem and identifying data (see Table 6).
114 Service Functions V5R2