Table 77. V.36/RS-449 advanced cable wrap connector wiring (continued)
Signal destination Wrap connector pin to pin
SC-GND to RC-GND 37 to 20
X.21 communications adapter cable
Table 78. X.21 Communications Adapter Cable
Signal designation Adapter connector pin number DCE connector pin number
Transmitted data A, B 2, 4 2, 9
Received data A, B 3, 5 4, 11
Control A, B 20, 23 3, 10
Indication A, B 6, 15 5, 12
Signal element timing A, B 17, 8 6, 13
Cable ID bit 2, common return 7, 10 8
Note: Cable ID 2 is connected to common return pin 7 only at the DTE connector end and is not connected at the
DCE end.
X.21/High speed communications adapter cable
Table 79. X.21/High speed communications adapter cable
Signal designation Adapter connector pin number DCE connector pin number
Transmitted data A, B 18, 34 2, 9
Received data A, B 37, 20 4, 11
Control A, B 36, 35 3, 10
Indication A, B 38, 39 5, 12
Signal element timing A, B 12, 29 6, 13
Cable ID bit 2, common return 49, 7 8
Note: Cable ID 2 is connected to common return pin 7 only at the DTE connector end and is not connected at the
DCE end.
X.21 cable wrap connector wiring
Table 80. X.21 cable wrap connector wiring
Signal designation Wrap connector pin to pin
Transmit data A to receive data A, signal timing A 2 to 4, 6
Transmit data B to receive data B, signal timing B 9 to 11, 13
Control A to indicate A 3 to 5
Control B to indicate B 10 to 12
X.21 advanced PCI communications cable
Table 81. X.21 advanced PCI communications cable
Signal designation Adapter connector pin number DCE connector pin number
Transmitted data A (TD-A) 13 2
Chapter 9. System Architecture and Configuration 263