The sectors that found read (or CRC feedback response code) errors supply this
report after you select the Read data from diskette option. The sectors are
formatted to provide the sector address (CCHRR–cylinder, head, record), the
data set identifier, the hexadecimal data offset into the sector, and the sector
contents. Because the data CRC can be anywhere in the failing sector, the failing
sector report shows where to place the failing sector in its correct context.
v Sector range report
This report comes from the sectors in the sector range you specify. Each sector is
formatted to contain the sector address (CCHRR), data set identification, load
and dump object type, subtype, and object name (if suitable). The space object
dumps the sector by virtual address in a standard hexadecimal and EBCDIC
format. You must enter a starting and ending sector address to print a sector
range report.
How to use the Work with Diskette Data Recovery option:
1. Select the Work with diskette data recovery option on the System Service Tools (SST)
display. The Work with Diskette Data Recovery display appears. This display
shows the diskette units with which you can work.
2. Insert a diskette with read errors into the diskette unit with which you want to
3. Type a 3 in the Opt field next to the diskette unit in which you inserted the
diskette and press the Enter key. Selecting the read option moves the contents
of the diskette to a system space object where you can display or change them.
4. After the diskette is read into the system space object, select the Print reports
option on the Work with Diskette Data Recovery display to print the contents
of the diskette. This helps you find the failing sectors and the address of the
system space object where you can change the contents of the diskette.
5. Select a diskette summary report. Print the summary reports in any
combination by typinga6infrontofthesummary report you want and
pressing the Enter key.
Note: The type of diskette you are working with determines the type of
summary report you want to print. All diskettes have volume headers
Work with Diskette Data Recovery
Warning: Work with Diskette Data Recovery should only be used when
directed to by your service representative.
Type option, press Enter.
2=Alter diskette data 3=Read data from diskette
4=Write data to diskette 5=Display diskette data 6=Print reports
Opt Device
_ DKT01
_ DKT02
_ DKT03
_ DKT04
_ DKT05
_ DKT06
_ DKT07
_ DKT08
F3=Exit F12=Cancel
288 Service Functions V5R2