If the interface test is successful, a capacity test automatically runs in 24 hours. The
capacity test is delayed to allow the battery to become fully charged. Results of the
capacity test are logged in the product activity log.
Note: Excessive testing of the battery shortens its useful life.
System Interconnect
In V5R1, the term High Speed Link (HSL) replaces the term System Interconnect (SI).
Use the information in this document about High Speed Links when working with
System Interconnect resources.
High Speed Link
High Speed Link (HSL) resources provide the connection between system I/O
busses and the system processor. HSL resources are normally configured in loops
with the system unit having an HSL controller resource that handles routing of the
data between the system processor and the system I/O busses. System I/O busses
connect to the loop with HSL I/O adapter resources. When you view the logical
resources of a High Speed Link loop using Hardware Service Manager, you will
v HSL controller resource(s) (called Local High Speed Link Network Interface
Controllers (Local HSL NICs) in V5R1).
v HSL loop resource(s) (called SI rings in V4R5) under the controller listed above the
v HSL I/O adapter resource(s) (called SI I/O adapters in V4R5) under the loop listed
above the adapters.
v The System Bus Adapter Resource(s) under the HSL I/O adapter resource(s) option.
From this level and below, I/O resources appear the same way as they do in the
System bus resources option from Display Logical Resources in the Hardware Service
Manager menu.
HSL links consist of these items:
v A port from either the controller or an adapter on the loop.
Results of Battery Test
The results of the battery interface test are displayed
below. If the test was successful, a battery capacity
test will be performed on this unit in 24 hours.
Opt Frame Unit Type Number Fault
7 01 1 9903 10-4920857 No
Test has completed. No problems were found.
Chapter 9. System Architecture and Configuration